Sunday, July 22, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Lickety Split

Ah, Texas. I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes right about now, but it's home to me. I left Maryland about 8:15am on Thursday, July 19 and headed for the wide-open west. Drove about 850 miles the first day and stayed on the west side of St. Louis that night. On Friday, I had about 750 miles to go before arriving home in Amarillo.

Heading from Oklahoma into my personal promised land, Texas:

My poor car has been having some significant problems in the last few months, so I feel really blessed to have made it in one piece! Well, there was one little thing that went wrong. Somewhere between Tulsa, OK and Amarillo, the power door locks decided to quit working. But I didn't need to get out of the car anyway, right? But let's take a moment to celebrate a little milestone: 130,000 miles!

PS – Strangest sight on the road: someone in Frostburg, Maryland is building a replica of Noah's ark. Hmm…


Unknown said...

Visualize my eyes rolling.

Elliot Lee said...

Yay! She survived the big move!

And welcome to the blogosphere, where your friends can gossip about you in front of your back...

Anonymous said...

Sure good to know that you made it back alright. And your car continued to 'entertain' you.

How about that 'promised land' bit - will you now hang out with the lambs and the lions where the grapes are as big as apples? And what does that make Maryland?

Had a chance to unload and unwind?

Welcome back to the future,,,

Michelle said...

No, no; if she were where the grapes are as big as apples (and the blueberries are as big as grapes) and hanging out with the lambs, she would be in OREGON, not Texas! Remember, OREGON was the promised land at the end of the trail; all those people in covered wagons weren't mistaken!

Texan Will Travel said...

Hey, now, I said that Texas was "my personal promised land" - it's just home for me. That's no reflection on any other state and it's wonderful qualities! :)